If your garage door is driving you crazy because it keeps opening and closing on its own, this can be extremely frustrating. At Complete Garage Door Repair in East Point, GA, we have helped hundreds of our customers get to the bottom of their garage door problems. There are a couple of things that can be done to stop the door from performing in this manner.
Circuit Board or Wiring
If there is a problem with the circuit board or wiring, you may experience a problem with your garage door opening and closing. If it involves the wiring, the garage door opener will have to be reprogrammed or it might require a new fuse.
There are sensors located at either side of the garage door toward the lower part of the door. If there is something that is obstructing the sensors, it will cause your garage door to come down and go right back up again. It could be something as simple as a spider web or the safety latch hanging too low that could cause this problem.
Impact of a Problematic Garage Door
When you don’t know when your garage door is going to open or close on you, it can be very problematic. Suppose you are pulling and your garage door hasn’t completely gone all the way up. If you begin driving in, the door may come down on top of your car. This scenario is all too common. If this were to happen, it could be dangerous to everyone in the car.
If your using tools and equipment that you store inside your garage, you may be outdoors performing yard work. If you need something that you left inside your garage, suppose it shuts as you’re approaching. You may find it inconvenient to have to go inside and open the door again. It could be even worse if you are going inside and then the door suddenly comes down on top of you. Sensors are a protection but again, if there is something blocking them, they won’t do you much good in this situation. Prior to sensors being installed and other safety features, garage doors were often the reason so many small children were admitted to the hospital due to the door falling on them. Since they have been installed, there are fewer incidences involving small children and garage doors.
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Aricle source here: Why Your Garage Door Is Opening/Closing On Its Own
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