Friday, November 24, 2017

Extending the Life of Your Garage Door

Every garage door has a life cycle. How long you have your garage door will be determined by many different factors, which we have highlighted in this article. A single garage door has many different parts. More parts than you probably even realize. A garage door that is kept in good condition will generally last for up to 30 years and possibly longer. Your garage door opener, on the other hand, will only last for about 10 years. The amount of years is not definite, just approximate. This is because the life of your garage door opener also depends on various factors. It depends on how much maintenance you receive and how frequently your garage door is used. It also depends on the quality of the type of garage door you have, its parts and accessories. Finally, the length of time that you have your garage door could also depend on how well it was installed and the type of garage door you have.

Maintenance of Your Garage Door

The objective of caring for your garage door on a regular basis is to ensure the safety of everyone who is using it. Today, everyone lives very busy lives and this is one of the things in our lives that we can’t afford to break down on us or to begin to become problematic. We just want to be able to safely get in and out of our garage without incident. If you start to have problems with your garage door, it may require costly repairs and possibly a new garage door. At Complete Garage Door Repair in East Point, GA, we are often called upon to assist with the maintenance of garage doors. If you’re not having your garage door properly maintained, it could be costly to have all of the repairs made at one time. If you have your house on the market and the potential buyers experience a problem with the functioning of the garage door, this may turn them off to purchasing your home. They may begin to consider the idea of needing to have a new garage door installed or possibly the cost that they would incur to have garage door repairs made. The curb appeal that your garage door has could also impact the way others see it. A person wouldn’t need an appraisal to see whether or not your garage door is being properly maintained. You benefit from routine garage door maintenance because it means that you’ll have a fully functional garage door for longer. It also means that you will likely be able to sell your home sooner. There are lots of reasons for keeping up the maintenance of your garage door but one of the greatest benefits is that you are able to keep the same garage door for long.

Garage Door and Appliances

Just like the many appliances that you use on a regular basis require some maintenance, so does your garage door. Your refrigerator needs to be cleaned on occasion to make sure that ice doesn’t build up and that the parts continue working correctly. The same would apply to your garage door. Since it is considered the biggest piece of equipment in your home, it requires regular maintenance. Below are a few helpful tips for keeping up the maintenance of your garage door.

For more tips and ideas, you may continue reading the article here:

Aricle source here: Extending the Life of Your Garage Door

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Complete Garage Door Repair in East Point, GA: Identifying Garage Door Spring Issues

The garage door is an important part of your property. Chances are, you are using it at least twice daily, every time you leave for, and return from, work. A garage door is made up of dozens of parts – and each one of them is important. People know about the opener, the remote controls, the motors, sensors and various rollers. However, few people realize how important the springs are. And even fewer realize that the springs actually carry the entire weight of the garage door. This means that these parts are under a lot of stress every time you open or close the door. Even though garage door springs are designed to operate many thousands of cycles, they eventually break. Let’s take a look at the types of springs you can find on your door and how you can figure out if they are having a problem.

Importance of Garage Door Springs

As you may already be aware, a garage door – especially a metal one – is quite heavy. The opener would not be able to lift it by itself. In many cases, you would not be able to manually open or close the door either. This is what garage door springs are for; they help lift and lower the door every time you use the remote. If one or both springs get damaged, you will start to experience serious problems with the garage door. It will have trouble opening or closing and, in the worst case scenario, it will stop working altogether. Problems with garage door springs must be addressed immediately. And be very careful; springs are very dangerous for people who don’t have experience working with them.

The Types of Garage Door Springs

There are two types of garage door springs: torsion springs and extension springs. Torsion springs are usually located above the door and are generally used for heavy garage doors – such as metal doors. Extension springs are located on the walls on the sides of the door. Extension springs are not designed for heavy garage doors in general. Also, extension springs have safety cables running through them. Both types of springs are quite durable, but they do eventually break. A pair of garage door springs can last for 7 to 12 years without having any problems. However, it depends on how much you use your garage door, of course. Also, you can prolong the life of your springs by lubricating them properly and servicing the garage door periodically. Keep in mind that other parts of the garage door may malfunction and place undue stress on the springs, causing them to fail prematurely. This is why maintaining your garage door using the services of an expert garage door specialist is very important. However, you need to accept the fact that the garage door springs will break at some point in time, no matter how much care you invest into them. So, let’s see how you can find out if the springs are causing you problems.

How to Identify If the Springs Are Faulty

The first sign that your garage door springs are damaged is the fact that the door can no longer open properly. It may even stop opening entirely. To make sure that the springs are at fault, all you have to do is to perform a quick inspection. In most cases, damaged springs can be identified during a visual inspection of the parts.

Look carefully at the springs to see if they are worn out. Also, look carefully to see if there are any separations in the springs. The springs must not be elongated or stretched if they are in working order. Even if the springs appear fine at first glance, don’t rule them out just yet.

Try to open the door manually. Close the garage door and disconnect the automatic garage door opener. Then, attempt to lift the door manually. The door should lift relatively easily and should remain open if the springs are in working order. If you encounter a lot of resistance and the door tends to slide back down, the springs are usually the main causes.

Another test you can perform is the force setting test. Open the door and then use the wall button or the remote to command the door to close. As it closes, attempt to hold the bottom of the garage door with both hands and prevent it from closing. The door should immediately sense resistance and reverse – this is a safety feature. If the door continues to close, the safety mechanism or the springs are having a problem. Needless to say, you need to remove your hands from underneath the door immediately if the door does not stop and does not reverse.

You may continue reading the article here:

Aricle source here: Complete Garage Door Repair in East Point, GA: Identifying Garage Door Spring Issues

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Complete Garage Door Repair in East Point, GA: Identifying Garage Door Spring Issues

The garage door is an important part of your property. Chances are, you are using it at least twice daily, every time you leave for, and return from, work. A garage door is made up of dozens of parts – and each one of them is important. People know about the opener, the remote controls, the motors, sensors and various rollers. However, few people realize how important the springs are. And even fewer realize that the springs actually carry the entire weight of the garage door. This means that these parts are under a lot of stress every time you open or close the door. Even though garage door springs are designed to operate many thousands of cycles, they eventually break. Let’s take a look at the types of springs you can find on your door and how you can figure out if they are having a problem.

Importance of Garage Door Springs

As you may already be aware, a garage door – especially a metal one – is quite heavy. The opener would not be able to lift it by itself. In many cases, you would not be able to manually open or close the door either. This is what garage door springs are for; they help lift and lower the door every time you use the remote. If one or both springs get damaged, you will start to experience serious problems with the garage door. It will have trouble opening or closing and, in the worst case scenario, it will stop working altogether. Problems with garage door springs must be addressed immediately. And be very careful; springs are very dangerous for people who don’t have experience working with them.

The Types of Garage Door Springs

There are two types of garage door springs: torsion springs and extension springs. Torsion springs are usually located above the door and are generally used for heavy garage doors – such as metal doors. Extension springs are located on the walls on the sides of the door. Extension springs are not designed for heavy garage doors in general. Also, extension springs have safety cables running through them. Both types of springs are quite durable, but they do eventually break. A pair of garage door springs can last for 7 to 12 years without having any problems. However, it depends on how much you use your garage door, of course. Also, you can prolong the life of your springs by lubricating them properly and servicing the garage door periodically. Keep in mind that other parts of the garage door may malfunction and place undue stress on the springs, causing them to fail prematurely. This is why maintaining your garage door using the services of an expert garage door specialist is very important. However, you need to accept the fact that the garage door springs will break at some point in time, no matter how much care you invest into them. So, let’s see how you can find out if the springs are causing you problems. 

How to Identify If the Springs Are Faulty

The first sign that your garage door springs are damaged is the fact that the door can no longer open properly. It may even stop opening entirely. To make sure that the springs are at fault, all you have to do is to perform a quick inspection. In most cases, damaged springs can be identified during a visual inspection of the parts.

Look carefully at the springs to see if they are worn out. Also, look carefully to see if there are any separations in the springs. The springs must not be elongated or stretched if they are in working order. Even if the springs appear fine at first glance, don’t rule them out just yet.

Try to open the door manually. Close the garage door and disconnect the automatic garage door opener. Then, attempt to lift the door manually. The door should lift relatively easily and should remain open if the springs are in working order. If you encounter a lot of resistance and the door tends to slide back down, the springs are usually the main causes.

Another test you can perform is the force setting test. Open the door and then use the wall button or the remote to command the door to close. As it closes, attempt to hold the bottom of the garage door with both hands and prevent it from closing. The door should immediately sense resistance and reverse – this is a safety feature. If the door continues to close, the safety mechanism or the springs are having a problem. Needless to say, you need to remove your hands from underneath the door immediately if the door does not stop and does not reverse. 

You may continue reading the article here:

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Why Your Garage Door Is Opening/Closing On Its Own

If your garage door is driving you crazy because it keeps opening and closing on its own, this can be extremely frustrating. At Complete Garage Door Repair in East Point, GA, we have helped hundreds of our customers get to the bottom of their garage door problems. There are a couple of things that can be done to stop the door from performing in this manner.

Circuit Board or Wiring

If there is a problem with the circuit board or wiring, you may experience a problem with your garage door opening and closing. If it involves the wiring, the garage door opener will have to be reprogrammed or it might require a new fuse.


There are sensors located at either side of the garage door toward the lower part of the door. If there is something that is obstructing the sensors, it will cause your garage door to come down and go right back up again. It could be something as simple as a spider web or the safety latch hanging too low that could cause this problem.

Impact of a Problematic Garage Door

When you don’t know when your garage door is going to open or close on you, it can be very problematic. Suppose you are pulling and your garage door hasn’t completely gone all the way up. If you begin driving in, the door may come down on top of your car. This scenario is all too common. If this were to happen, it could be dangerous to everyone in the car.

If your using tools and equipment that you store inside your garage, you may be outdoors performing yard work. If you need something that you left inside your garage, suppose it shuts as you’re approaching. You may find it inconvenient to have to go inside and open the door again. It could be even worse if you are going inside and then the door suddenly comes down on top of you. Sensors are a protection but again, if there is something blocking them, they won’t do you much good in this situation. Prior to sensors being installed and other safety features, garage doors were often the reason so many small children were admitted to the hospital due to the door falling on them. Since they have been installed, there are fewer incidences involving small children and garage doors.

Continue reading the article:

Aricle source here: Why Your Garage Door Is Opening/Closing On Its Own