Friday, November 24, 2017

Extending the Life of Your Garage Door

Every garage door has a life cycle. How long you have your garage door will be determined by many different factors, which we have highlighted in this article. A single garage door has many different parts. More parts than you probably even realize. A garage door that is kept in good condition will generally last for up to 30 years and possibly longer. Your garage door opener, on the other hand, will only last for about 10 years. The amount of years is not definite, just approximate. This is because the life of your garage door opener also depends on various factors. It depends on how much maintenance you receive and how frequently your garage door is used. It also depends on the quality of the type of garage door you have, its parts and accessories. Finally, the length of time that you have your garage door could also depend on how well it was installed and the type of garage door you have.

Maintenance of Your Garage Door

The objective of caring for your garage door on a regular basis is to ensure the safety of everyone who is using it. Today, everyone lives very busy lives and this is one of the things in our lives that we can’t afford to break down on us or to begin to become problematic. We just want to be able to safely get in and out of our garage without incident. If you start to have problems with your garage door, it may require costly repairs and possibly a new garage door. At Complete Garage Door Repair in East Point, GA, we are often called upon to assist with the maintenance of garage doors. If you’re not having your garage door properly maintained, it could be costly to have all of the repairs made at one time. If you have your house on the market and the potential buyers experience a problem with the functioning of the garage door, this may turn them off to purchasing your home. They may begin to consider the idea of needing to have a new garage door installed or possibly the cost that they would incur to have garage door repairs made. The curb appeal that your garage door has could also impact the way others see it. A person wouldn’t need an appraisal to see whether or not your garage door is being properly maintained. You benefit from routine garage door maintenance because it means that you’ll have a fully functional garage door for longer. It also means that you will likely be able to sell your home sooner. There are lots of reasons for keeping up the maintenance of your garage door but one of the greatest benefits is that you are able to keep the same garage door for long.

Garage Door and Appliances

Just like the many appliances that you use on a regular basis require some maintenance, so does your garage door. Your refrigerator needs to be cleaned on occasion to make sure that ice doesn’t build up and that the parts continue working correctly. The same would apply to your garage door. Since it is considered the biggest piece of equipment in your home, it requires regular maintenance. Below are a few helpful tips for keeping up the maintenance of your garage door.

For more tips and ideas, you may continue reading the article here:

Aricle source here: Extending the Life of Your Garage Door

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Complete Garage Door Repair in East Point, GA: Identifying Garage Door Spring Issues

The garage door is an important part of your property. Chances are, you are using it at least twice daily, every time you leave for, and return from, work. A garage door is made up of dozens of parts – and each one of them is important. People know about the opener, the remote controls, the motors, sensors and various rollers. However, few people realize how important the springs are. And even fewer realize that the springs actually carry the entire weight of the garage door. This means that these parts are under a lot of stress every time you open or close the door. Even though garage door springs are designed to operate many thousands of cycles, they eventually break. Let’s take a look at the types of springs you can find on your door and how you can figure out if they are having a problem.

Importance of Garage Door Springs

As you may already be aware, a garage door – especially a metal one – is quite heavy. The opener would not be able to lift it by itself. In many cases, you would not be able to manually open or close the door either. This is what garage door springs are for; they help lift and lower the door every time you use the remote. If one or both springs get damaged, you will start to experience serious problems with the garage door. It will have trouble opening or closing and, in the worst case scenario, it will stop working altogether. Problems with garage door springs must be addressed immediately. And be very careful; springs are very dangerous for people who don’t have experience working with them.

The Types of Garage Door Springs

There are two types of garage door springs: torsion springs and extension springs. Torsion springs are usually located above the door and are generally used for heavy garage doors – such as metal doors. Extension springs are located on the walls on the sides of the door. Extension springs are not designed for heavy garage doors in general. Also, extension springs have safety cables running through them. Both types of springs are quite durable, but they do eventually break. A pair of garage door springs can last for 7 to 12 years without having any problems. However, it depends on how much you use your garage door, of course. Also, you can prolong the life of your springs by lubricating them properly and servicing the garage door periodically. Keep in mind that other parts of the garage door may malfunction and place undue stress on the springs, causing them to fail prematurely. This is why maintaining your garage door using the services of an expert garage door specialist is very important. However, you need to accept the fact that the garage door springs will break at some point in time, no matter how much care you invest into them. So, let’s see how you can find out if the springs are causing you problems.

How to Identify If the Springs Are Faulty

The first sign that your garage door springs are damaged is the fact that the door can no longer open properly. It may even stop opening entirely. To make sure that the springs are at fault, all you have to do is to perform a quick inspection. In most cases, damaged springs can be identified during a visual inspection of the parts.

Look carefully at the springs to see if they are worn out. Also, look carefully to see if there are any separations in the springs. The springs must not be elongated or stretched if they are in working order. Even if the springs appear fine at first glance, don’t rule them out just yet.

Try to open the door manually. Close the garage door and disconnect the automatic garage door opener. Then, attempt to lift the door manually. The door should lift relatively easily and should remain open if the springs are in working order. If you encounter a lot of resistance and the door tends to slide back down, the springs are usually the main causes.

Another test you can perform is the force setting test. Open the door and then use the wall button or the remote to command the door to close. As it closes, attempt to hold the bottom of the garage door with both hands and prevent it from closing. The door should immediately sense resistance and reverse – this is a safety feature. If the door continues to close, the safety mechanism or the springs are having a problem. Needless to say, you need to remove your hands from underneath the door immediately if the door does not stop and does not reverse.

You may continue reading the article here:

Aricle source here: Complete Garage Door Repair in East Point, GA: Identifying Garage Door Spring Issues

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Complete Garage Door Repair in East Point, GA: Identifying Garage Door Spring Issues

The garage door is an important part of your property. Chances are, you are using it at least twice daily, every time you leave for, and return from, work. A garage door is made up of dozens of parts – and each one of them is important. People know about the opener, the remote controls, the motors, sensors and various rollers. However, few people realize how important the springs are. And even fewer realize that the springs actually carry the entire weight of the garage door. This means that these parts are under a lot of stress every time you open or close the door. Even though garage door springs are designed to operate many thousands of cycles, they eventually break. Let’s take a look at the types of springs you can find on your door and how you can figure out if they are having a problem.

Importance of Garage Door Springs

As you may already be aware, a garage door – especially a metal one – is quite heavy. The opener would not be able to lift it by itself. In many cases, you would not be able to manually open or close the door either. This is what garage door springs are for; they help lift and lower the door every time you use the remote. If one or both springs get damaged, you will start to experience serious problems with the garage door. It will have trouble opening or closing and, in the worst case scenario, it will stop working altogether. Problems with garage door springs must be addressed immediately. And be very careful; springs are very dangerous for people who don’t have experience working with them.

The Types of Garage Door Springs

There are two types of garage door springs: torsion springs and extension springs. Torsion springs are usually located above the door and are generally used for heavy garage doors – such as metal doors. Extension springs are located on the walls on the sides of the door. Extension springs are not designed for heavy garage doors in general. Also, extension springs have safety cables running through them. Both types of springs are quite durable, but they do eventually break. A pair of garage door springs can last for 7 to 12 years without having any problems. However, it depends on how much you use your garage door, of course. Also, you can prolong the life of your springs by lubricating them properly and servicing the garage door periodically. Keep in mind that other parts of the garage door may malfunction and place undue stress on the springs, causing them to fail prematurely. This is why maintaining your garage door using the services of an expert garage door specialist is very important. However, you need to accept the fact that the garage door springs will break at some point in time, no matter how much care you invest into them. So, let’s see how you can find out if the springs are causing you problems. 

How to Identify If the Springs Are Faulty

The first sign that your garage door springs are damaged is the fact that the door can no longer open properly. It may even stop opening entirely. To make sure that the springs are at fault, all you have to do is to perform a quick inspection. In most cases, damaged springs can be identified during a visual inspection of the parts.

Look carefully at the springs to see if they are worn out. Also, look carefully to see if there are any separations in the springs. The springs must not be elongated or stretched if they are in working order. Even if the springs appear fine at first glance, don’t rule them out just yet.

Try to open the door manually. Close the garage door and disconnect the automatic garage door opener. Then, attempt to lift the door manually. The door should lift relatively easily and should remain open if the springs are in working order. If you encounter a lot of resistance and the door tends to slide back down, the springs are usually the main causes.

Another test you can perform is the force setting test. Open the door and then use the wall button or the remote to command the door to close. As it closes, attempt to hold the bottom of the garage door with both hands and prevent it from closing. The door should immediately sense resistance and reverse – this is a safety feature. If the door continues to close, the safety mechanism or the springs are having a problem. Needless to say, you need to remove your hands from underneath the door immediately if the door does not stop and does not reverse. 

You may continue reading the article here:

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Why Your Garage Door Is Opening/Closing On Its Own

If your garage door is driving you crazy because it keeps opening and closing on its own, this can be extremely frustrating. At Complete Garage Door Repair in East Point, GA, we have helped hundreds of our customers get to the bottom of their garage door problems. There are a couple of things that can be done to stop the door from performing in this manner.

Circuit Board or Wiring

If there is a problem with the circuit board or wiring, you may experience a problem with your garage door opening and closing. If it involves the wiring, the garage door opener will have to be reprogrammed or it might require a new fuse.


There are sensors located at either side of the garage door toward the lower part of the door. If there is something that is obstructing the sensors, it will cause your garage door to come down and go right back up again. It could be something as simple as a spider web or the safety latch hanging too low that could cause this problem.

Impact of a Problematic Garage Door

When you don’t know when your garage door is going to open or close on you, it can be very problematic. Suppose you are pulling and your garage door hasn’t completely gone all the way up. If you begin driving in, the door may come down on top of your car. This scenario is all too common. If this were to happen, it could be dangerous to everyone in the car.

If your using tools and equipment that you store inside your garage, you may be outdoors performing yard work. If you need something that you left inside your garage, suppose it shuts as you’re approaching. You may find it inconvenient to have to go inside and open the door again. It could be even worse if you are going inside and then the door suddenly comes down on top of you. Sensors are a protection but again, if there is something blocking them, they won’t do you much good in this situation. Prior to sensors being installed and other safety features, garage doors were often the reason so many small children were admitted to the hospital due to the door falling on them. Since they have been installed, there are fewer incidences involving small children and garage doors.

Continue reading the article:

Aricle source here: Why Your Garage Door Is Opening/Closing On Its Own

Thursday, July 20, 2017


If your garage door opener goes on the fritz, there are a number of causes for your difficulties. Some are simple, and some are complicated. Let’s look at some possibilities and solutions.

 Problems That Are Simple

Does the garage door opener run, yet the garage door still won’t open? If a power failure happens, your garage door opener comes with a disconnect switch, which allows you to close or open the garage door manually. In general, this switch is attached to a knob or rope, and it can come unhooked accidently. Open or close the garage door all the way, and then securely reattach the hook. Now, with the transmitter, try opening or shutting the door again, and it ought to work.

Is your garage door stuck open, and won’t shut? It’s likely that the photo eye sensors are out of alignment. Your garage door has a photo eye on both sides, and between them is an invisible beam, which, when it’s broken, keeps the garage door from closing. See whether they’re misaligned or grimy. On most styles and brands of sensors, if the light’s blinking, something is really wrong. Or, if you have a sensor with green and red lights, the red one is often the indicator that it’s malfunction.

Another possibility is the wiring. Examine the connections to see whether the wires are loose or corroded. There may be a short, which can sometimes be caused by a staple that was initially used in the process of installation; vibrations over the years can eventually result in a disconnection. Or, a disconnection will result from the wires becoming stretched.

Does the garage door not open using the remote? There are few causes for this, easy to repair yourself.

  1. You shouldreplace or charge the batter
  2. Youcould be too far out of range.
  3. Thegarage door motor’s antenna is damaged somehow or blocked from the signal.
  4. The remotehas to be reprogramm

Does the garage door opener run for several seconds, then turn off? If the garage door still won’t move when your garage door is closed, you’ll probably see that the door motor is trying and failing to lift the door up. First, inspect the springs. If they’re not broken, see whether the track is blocked by a minute obstacle or some grime. If neither of these is the issue, then see whether your garage door is the type that has a built-in lock, because it may be engaging inadvertently. This often occurs with older garage doors.

Does the garage door go down all the way, yet open again? The open-and-shut limit settings of the garage door opener are out of order. The settings tell the opener how far the garage door should go before it’s totally closed. If it’s set too high, the door will land on the floor before the opener thinks it should, because it’s presuming that the door is touching an object in its path; then it will reverse automatically to keep from smashing it. Read your manual for instructions on how to reset the open-and-shut limits.

Check your power source. Maybe the transmitter batteries just need replacement. Or, the electrical outlet could be defective.

Does your garage door open and close at random? If your garage door is opening or shutting by itself, the transmitter might be stuck underneath an object pushing down on the control mechanism unintentionally. For instance, the transmitter may be stuck beneath an item you left in your car or somewhere else close by. You can also test the transmitter’s frequency; your neighbor may have the exact same frequency as yours.

Problems That Are More Complicated

 Does the garage door shut part of the way, then open again? Your garage door has a reversing mechanism to stop it from crushing an object in its path. The reversing instruction is triggered by any item on the ground in the garage door’s path, such as a bike, garbage can, box, or toy. Another likelihood is that there’s a buildup of debris on the garage door’s tracks ~ a tiny object or dirt ~ which will keep the rollers from moving. You’ll have to hire a garage door technician.

Does your garage door slam down with a loud bang? In all likelihood, your spring is broken, which is needed to counter the door’s weight. Or, the cables are broken. Either way, this is hazardous. It’s time to call an expert.

The garage door track might be out of alignment. If the track isn’t aligned, it’s not going to move. Look for gaps between the rail and rollers, or bends in the rails. The considerable weight of your garage door will ultimately compound these problems. This is serious. Before your garage door becomes dangerous, contact a professional.

If your garage door still won’t budgea spring, or maybe both springs, are broken, and will need replacement or repair. You need to track down a garage door repair specialist.

DON’T EVER adjust the garage door by yourself! If you don’t get your garage door serviced professionally, the springs can cause injury, and even death. Don’t take any risks! The garage door drums, cables, and bottom brackets also may need adjusting. Consult with a trustworthy local garage door repair technician.

Take Preventative Measures

Garage door maintenance is worth the minimal time and effort you have to put into it. Keep your garage door in first-rate condition, and it will last a very long time.

Schedule an annual inspection with a reliable local garage door repair company. Wires, springs, pulleys, and cables all call for professional attention.

Every year, before winter arrives, lubricate the springs, rollers, and hinges. Without lubrication, the springs will rust and the coils will bind, costing you a lot in the long run. Prevent this from happening by using a top brand, so it won’t dry out. A light coating is all that’s required.

Once month, take a close look at the components of your garage door system. Tighten loose bolts. Replace worn parts. If you notice any strange noises when the garage door opens and shuts, a garage door technician is needed.

If you live in East Point, Georgia, find a reputable garage door repair company you can count on, such as Complete Garage Door Repair.


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Here are some good reasons to replace your old garage door opener

Does your garage door opener look like something used by Fred Flintstone? Do you have to go through all sorts of contortions with your opener to finally get your door to open or close? Then here are some good reasons that make you think seriously about changing your old garage door opener.

First of all, some facts

To start, it is good to take note of some everyday realities concerning garage doors that often go unnoticed:

    • Did you know that almost 70% of people use their garage door as a point of access their house?
      • It may be when your kids leave for school in the morning or come home at the end of the day at times when you’re not around.
      • Sometimes it’s when you are doing outdoor work around the house.
      • If could be simply when parking your car.
    • Did you know that a garage door is the largest moving object in a home?
      • And that its inherent weight is considerable, even with a spring system that acts as a counterbalance to this mass.
      • This means that it’s your electric garage door opener that becomes the way to secure your safety, and that of your family, by controlling this immense object, day in and day out.
  • If your old garage door opener uses a remote programmed with dip switches that you move up and down into +, 0 and – positions, then it is missing a second automatic reversal system, one based on photoelectric sensors (UL 325 standard).
    • Electric door openers manufactured before 1993 are also not equipped with a system to prevent the copying of the code of your remote.
    • In addition, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find replacement parts for these door openers as safety standards and manufacturing techniques have changed significantly.

So then, what is out there on the garage door opener market today?

Electric garage door openers have come a long way since 1993. They provide more safety and, since 2014, they come with the latest technology in regards to intercommunication.

    • Safety comes first
      • Since 1993, it has been mandatory for garage door openers to come with two automatic reversal systems. The first one is mechanical and the second is based on photoelectric eyes. For the first, if it is adjusted correctly, when the bottom of the descending edge touches an object or person, the door must reverse automatically. In the case of the second, it consists of two units installed on each side of the door with an invisible light beam being sent across the threshold of the door, a similar technology to that used to open entry doors on supermarkets. If a person or an object breaks the beam as the door descends, it automatically reverses direction.
      • Starting in 1996, garage door openers have used what is called “rolling code” protection in their operation. This system, called Security+ by LiftMaster (or Chamberlain’s labels), stops anyone from stealing the communication code between your remote (the transmitter) and the opener motor (the receiver). How does it work? It’s simple. Each time you use your remote, it automatically changes its access code. There are more than a billion possible codes thus making it impossible for someone to pick up your signal and get into your garage with a stolen code.
      • If you live in an area where power outages happen more often than you’d like, be aware that you can equip your door opener with a backup battery.


    • Quieter than ever
      • Instead of door openers using a chain drive (or a combination of chain and steel cable), there are door openers equipped with a rubber belt reinforced with metal fibers, like used for manufacturing tires. As you might imagine, this choice is much quieter, and is definitely preferred if you have a bedroom over the garage.
      • Another new development that has been added in recent years is DC-type motors for door openers instead of the AC-type we were normally used to. This follows the European trend where manufacturers use DCmotors for reliability and quietness. With AC motors, there is a jarring jerk when the door begins moving versus DC motors that start slowly, increase to regular speed, then slow before stopping to prevent the door from slamming.
  • Increasingly “intelligent”
    • Since 2014, LiftMaster has offered its MyQ® technology – its contribution to Internet connectivity – which allows you to open and close your garage door from your smartphone, tablet or laptop, no matter where you are in the world
    • It is also possible to get email or text alerts informing you if someone is using your garage door, or if you had forgotten to close it earlier for whatever reason.
    • Tied into these functions is the ability for you to operate your door long distance and allow someone you have confidence in to access your garage via the garage door.


Aricle source here: Here are some good reasons to replace your old garage door opener

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Garage Door Opener Troubleshooting Tips

Garage doors are without a doubt a valuable addition to any type of home. Nevertheless they are also vulnerable to damage from the elements. With regard to this, one component that is commonly affected is the garage door opener. It is however never a good idea to call a technician each time there’s a little squeaking or issue. That may lead to a waste of money and time. There are some minor repairs you can handle on your own; however you must also remember that some tasks are best done by the professionals. This article offers some troubleshooting tips for typical garage door opener issues.

To be able to troubleshoot garage door problems, you need to understand the various components that the system is made up of as well as how the system really works. The garage door device comprises of transmitters, wiring, sensors, tracks, remote control, motor, rollers, door, chains, and so forth. A garage door has a very simple mechanism. The motor rotates clockwise to open the garage door. Then the limit switches causes the motor to rotate counter-clockwise, which results in the door closing. The limit switches are configured to accurately regulate the door’s opening and closing. The chains transfer the rotational motion into mechanical energy, which results in the door opening. Below are the common issues that homeowners may encounter.

    • Garage Door Remote Control Does Not Work

If you can open your door using the interior button, however cannot do so using the remote control, then the issue certainly lies with the door’s remote control. First, change the batteries to see if that will solve the problem. If that does not work, examine the program. Study the instruction codes provided by the manufacturer and then reprogram it. If the problem persists, buy a new remote because the remote itself may possibly have a defect.

    • Garage Door Closes and Opens by itself

If your door starts to open and close by itself, then chances are that there is a short circuit within the transmitters or within the wiring. First, look for the short circuit within the transmitter. The transmitter will send continuous signals when it has a short circuit. The garage door will seem to close completely, however once the carriage and arm run go beyond the down limit and strike the header, the door starts to open due to reversal in action. Remove the batteries from the transmitters and then try again. If the issue is not resolved, it means the wiring has a short circuit somewhere and it needs to be replaced.

    • The Garage door opener makes whirring, scrapping or grinding sounds during operation

The sounds may be an indication of a number of issues connected to a variety of components in the system. These noises can be caused by problems with motors, wheel tracks or the gears. Thus, if you’re not exactly certain regarding the cause of the problem, hire an expert to examine your door instead of fiddling with the entire device.

Nevertheless, at times you might be able to solve the problem by lubricating some of the rollers or hinges. You can prevent this problem from occurring through regular application of low viscosity oil to these components. At times, springs can groan and squeak due to constant use. Even though there is no test to determine how long the springs will last, you can be sure that your garage door will not fall while open as a result of malfunctioning springs. This is because there’s no tension on the spring when the garage door is raised. One simple way to determine if your garage door opener springs are in good condition is to disengage the opener and manually raise the door. Your springs are fine if you can perform this task with little or no difficulty.

    • Garage door will not open

What if your garage door fails to open even after the interior button is pushed? For this problem, you’ll have to ensure that the opener is appropriately powered and that the motor is functioning. Check to see if tracks have debris on them which might be obstructing the movement of the door. If everything appears to be fine and still the problem is not resolved, then you should consider getting professional assistance. Your garage door opener has a fault and it may require some repair work.

    • Garage door does not close after opening

A door that will not close after opening can easily be fixed by giving the photo eye a thorough cleaning. The photo eye is situated on the floor close to the door. If the eye is covered by debris, the mechanism can be fooled into thinking that there are items beneath the door. When this occurs, your garage door will fail to close as a safety measure. If you find that the photo eye is not obstructed by debris, get in touch with an expert garage door repair technician within your locality. The photo eye might be misaligned or defective.

    • The garage door opener makes a grinding sound however the door does not move

If your garage door opener makes a grinding sound however the door does not move, then chances are that the main drive gear (the plastic gear which connects directly with the worm drive gear on top of the motor) is defective. The main drive gear is the component that most often fails on most garage door openers.

To solve this problem, you will need to replace the damaged main gear drive. There are a number of components that you have to remove before you can reach the damaged gear. Follow the instructions in your owner manual to perform this task. Make sure you lubricate it properly when you are done.

Even though there are several other problems that can be encountered with the various garage door openers, the ones mentioned in this article are the most common, also these problems can easily be fixed. Always remember that the best method to prevent problems is to carryout proper scheduled maintenance.


Aricle source here: Garage Door Opener Troubleshooting Tips

Friday, June 9, 2017

The Hidden Benefits of Insulating Your Garage

IsolerGarage-300x185Is it required that you insulate your garage? Not quite. Building standards are somewhat murky on the subject, even if some government organizations claim that common walls must have a certain level of R-value for houses with an attached garage. By the same token, a garage with rooms above it must have a minimum R-value on the ceiling, according to these same organizations. There are no requirements for the other walls or the garage door itself, while a detached garage has no R-value rules binding it at all.

So why bother? Well, comfort is a big part of it. If you’re a person who likes to work in your garage, having a humid or freezing space in which to work is no joy. And the warmth from space heaters would easily escape uninsulated walls.

Beyond that, there are hidden benefits to having your garage walls insulated. Let’s take a look at six of them.

That Garage Isn’t Just for Storage Anymore

 A nice, roomy garage need not be just a place to park your car or fill with old paint cans. Many amateur contractors and woodworkers use their garage as a workspace. Workout equipment can fit in there as well, or the kids can use it as a makeshift playroom where they don’t have to worry so much about breaking things.

None of those things would be as pleasant without a comfortable temperature level inside the garage. So insulating it will only inspire you to utilize it as much as possible.

The Creeping Cold Air

 Maybe you’re fortunate enough to have a door separating the house from the garage that’s insulated and features adequate weather-stripping. Yet every time you head out the door to enter your garage, all of the cold air quickly rushes in, which can cause quite a sudden chill. The same goes for a humid garage in the summer.

This is a two-way street. Any heat coming from the inside of the house won’t last very long in an icy garage without some insulation to act as a buffer.

Protecting The Plumbing and the Slumbering

 Perhaps you don’t spend enough time in your garage to worry about the temperature or humidity. But what if the garage is the location for your washer and dryer? That means plumbing is involved, and, as anyone who has ever been involved with them knows, frozen pipes are no fun at all.

Consider also a house where a bedroom sits above the garage. Again, an uninsulated garage will mean a lot of cold air seeping up into a room where someone is trying to sleep.

Keeping Rust at Bay

 If you’re storing your personal belongings or equipment in the garage, you’ll want them to stay as pristine as possible. Humidity is your enemy in that process, since it can lead to rust. Again, an insulated and heated garage will prevent against that.

Safety First

Many cars use remote starters, which can accidentally be activated from inside the house very easily. A car that’s started inside a garage will produce deadly carbon monoxide.

Although a carbon monoxide detector is the best way to keep safe in an instance like that, an insulated garage would help as well. It would keep the gas from easily spreading into the rooms of your home.

Quiet It Down

 Those amateur contractors mentioned above sometimes like to get the work started early on a weekend morning. Your neighbor who decided to sleep in might not be so thrilled with the buzzing and screeching of motorized tools blaring through the neighborhood (nor will the rest of your family inside the house.) If the walls of your garage are insulated, there is far less chance the sound will go far beyond those walls.

What About the Door?

 Remember that your garage door is essentially another wall. Those who insulate the walls to meet energy conservation requirements and leave the garage door unattended are only doing a portion of the necessary work.


Aricle source here: The Hidden Benefits of Insulating Your Garage

Monday, May 29, 2017

Winter Garage Door Maintenance Tips

4203888882_d12bee6a69_nThis time of year, when you pull into your driveway, your number one goal is to get out of the cold and into your warm home as quickly as possible. That plan backfires, though, when you suddenly find your door won’t open. It’s annoying, yes, but it’s a pretty common occurrence during the winter months. When it gets really cold out, garage doors tend to stick for a variety of reasons. And when temperatures drop really low, the door may even freeze shut, leaving you standing out in the cold.

Your garage is a pretty important part of your home. You likely use it every day, and it keeps your car safe from inclement weather. When you leave for work in the morning or return home at the end of the day, you shouldn’t have to worry about whether your door will open or not. Fortunately, with a few simple maintenance steps, you can safeguard your garage door from cold-weather stress and keep it in tip-top condition, allowing you to come and go as you please.

Remove any gunk or grease build-up on the garage door track. As you use your door more and more, over time, debris can build on the track and rollers, which interferes with how easily it opens and closes. Eventually, your tracks may become so clogged that your garage door can’t open and close at all, which can be pretty inconvenient when temperatures reach those winter lows. If yours is snagged, this could be a likely culprit. Start from inside the garage, and use a cloth to wipe away and remove any grease build-up.

Lubricate all moving parts. Once you’ve cleaned the tracks, use regular grade machine oil (make sure to avoid heavy axle grease) to lubricate the rollers, track, hinges and bushings. These parts can stick and become stalled when it’s cold out, and the lubrication will help get those parts operating smoothly again. When you’re done, wipe away any excess oil to prevent more build-up. Your garage door should actually be cleaned and lubricated a few times a year, so getting into the practice now can only help you in the long run.

Wipe down the weather-stripping and look for cracks that need repairs. Since you use it every day, your garage door will see a lot of wear and tear over time. Weather-stripping at the bottom of the door can often crack after extended use, which can allow snow and ice inside your garage, thus causing the door to freeze shut. Take a cloth and wipe your stripping down so you can get a good look, and take note of any problem areas, and have an expert help with the repairs.

Those are just a few ways to winter-proof your garage door—if these don’t solve your problem, you may need to consult with an expert. If your garage door is malfunctioning, do not hesitate to contact the team at Garage Door Specialist for help. We’ll do our best to identify and fix your problem fast, so you don’t get left out in the cold.


Aricle source here: Winter Garage Door Maintenance Tips

Friday, May 26, 2017

Damaged Garage Door Rollers

There is a variety of garage door rollers that come in different sizes, material and strength. The sizes of the rollers can be a 4.4 inch, 7.0 inch or a 9.5 inch depending on the size of the door. The different materials they can be made of are various types of nylon and metals. It is important to know what type of rollers to use in a garage door. If you use a roller that is too short the door can jump from the tracks while in motion and damage almost all the components of the door such as panels, hinges and the opener. The type of material that the roller is made of makes the difference in how quietly the garage door functions. A roller that is made primarily of nylon will make less noise than one made of mostly metal. This difference is purely for convenience but as per functionality the material the roller is made of makes little difference, both function the same.

A garage door roller can become damaged due to a few different reasons. One of the reasons is the lifetime of the material. The average roller lasts only a few years. After a few years the housing of the bearings becomes loose causing the bearing to jump from its place in turn the rollers will malfunction.

Another reason is the weight of your door. A garage door that is too heavy or just slightly heavier than it should be will deliver more pressure onto the bearings wearing down the rollers in a shorter amount of time.

Also, if your tracks are not straight it will cause the roller to become worn down unevenly.

A bad garage door roller does not always mean that it is totally broken. It can just be a non functioning roller. Most of the time the garage door rollers are damaged or bad you will hear a lot of scratching noise while the door is in operation. A damaged or bad garage door roller is not healthy for your garage door system or for other garage door components such as the tracks, the motor and the way the garage door functions.

I answered a service call today and the guy told me he was afraid to close his garage door because of the noise it made while opening. He was afraid to cause anymore damage and was really worried that the problem was serious because the noise was horrendous.

When I arrived at the house and took a look at the garage components I immediately noticed that one of his tracks was slightly bent. After further investigation I removed the bad roller and explained to the customer that the roller had become worn on one side causing the roller to become uneven.

The garage door was also an old fashioned top of the line hurricane proof door which are slightly heavier than the average door which causes the rollers to wear down sooner than there time to begin with.

The customer was extremely relieved to know that the problem was minor and I then proceeded to replace the rollers and repair the track.


Aricle source here: Damaged Garage Door Rollers

Friday, May 19, 2017


Garage door design has come a long way in the last several years! Today’s garage door designs are more interesting, higher quality, and much more varied so every homeowner is sure to find something that they love within their budget. If you are searching for a new garage door this year, take a look at some of the hottest trends for 2017 and see if any of these could be right for your property!



If Mass Garage Doors Expert has to pick one defining trend for garage door design in 2017, it would be windows. Today’s homeowners don’t want their garages to be dark, mysterious places. Instead, they want more windows and bigger windows on their garage doors. This allows natural light to flood the space and can make the garage more usable and friendly. Some homeowners are even opting for garage doors made entirely of frosted glass, giving them light, privacy, and an ultra-modern feel.


Ten or twenty years ago, homeowners wanted their garage doors to be as indiscreet as possible. That meant unobtrusive design and colors that were bland or designed to fade into the architecture of the house itself. Today, though, garage doors are being used more and more often as a design centerpiece for a home. Builders and homeowners are using the garage door to make a statement, opting now for bold color options and designs that set the personality of the home.


Tech is taking over all areas of our households and the garage is no exception. You’ll be seeing more and more of it in the coming years, too, with garage doors that automatically sense your vehicle, doors that can be opened and closed on your smartphone, and so much more. A lot of these features will be built right into the garage door and won’t be visible to guests and visitors.


Wood doors were the most popular option for garage doors for a long time, only to be replaced by fiberglass later on. You’ll be seeing more wood garage doors again in 2017, though. The material is part of the growing trend of combining man-made materials like concrete and steel with natural materials like wood in the home. Wooden garage doors offer a special kind of warmth in a home’s appearance and can be incredibly energy efficient.


Homeowners are making more use of their garages aside from simply a place to store their garden tools and park their car. They might use the garage as a workshop or even an outdoor play area for their children. Because of this, homeowners in 2017 are wanting a garage that’s comfortable in all seasons. You’ll see this accomplished with more insulated garage door designs that keep garages warmer in the winter, as well as garage-wide screen doors that allow air flow but keep out pests in the summer.

Are you looking for a new garage door for your home this year? Take to the Mass Garage Doors Expert and we’ll help you find the right door for your home at the right price. Get in touch with us today!



Saturday, May 13, 2017

The pros and cons of a garage door with walk-through door

Pedestrian_doorIf you’re wondering whether investing in a garage door with an attached pedestrian door is worth it, you’ve come to the right place. Indeed, having a pedestrian door is definitely worthwhile for some layouts, for example when garages are located in the basement of a house, rendering regular steel access doors (36” X 78”) next to the garage door or on the side of the garage impossible.

Pedestrian doors are also available for commercial and industrial garage doors. Of course, opening a small access door is more energy efficient than opening a large industrial garage door. Pedestrian door sizes vary, but they are generally about 32 x 78 inches. We suggest investing in a garage door injected with polyurethane insulation to ensure a solid door system structure. The garage door should be between 1.375 and 2-inches-thick.


  • If your garage is located in the basement of your house, having a pedestrian door installed can be practical, especially if you have a double garage door.
  • In built up urban areas there may not be enough side space for a normal access door and so pedestrian doors should be installed. You should however, ensure you keep your belongings out of view.
  • If you use your garage for storage, rather than as somewhere to park your car, a pedestrian door can come in handy in the event of a prolonged power outage.


  • The primary drawback to investing in a pedestrian door is the installation cost. You must have the door and safety system installed to avoid any major damage to the garage door. Installing a single walk-through door can cost as much as a full garage door system, without the walk-through door.
  • If your garage door is equipped with an electric garage door opener, your door system must have a device to prevent the remote from activating the door opener when the pedestrian door is open.
  • Walk-through doors cannot be installed on any sized door. The minimum width is 8 feet. And if you have a door with a rectangular embossed design, the placement of the rectangles is restricted.
  • Finally, the more openings created in a garage door, the lower the energy efficiency. You may wish to look for another solution if insulation and weatherproofing are important to you.


Aricle source here: The pros and cons of a garage door with walk-through door

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Why Is My Garage Door Opening On Its Own?

The concept behind a garage door opener is that one press of a button will open and close the door, helping reduce the stress, strain and otherwise inconvenient task of manually performing this job. However, there can be seemingly odd instances in which a door will open on its own, without any interaction from the owner of the structure.

This phenomenon is known as phantom operation and needs to be addressed through garage door repair. The reasons are obvious since safety concerns towards individuals and the vulnerability of thieves potentially gaining access to your home are too much to simply put off that repair. Listed below are some of the reasons that this issue might be taking place.

Aging Batteries

One of the more basic problems that results can be connected to something as simple as the status of the batteries inside the remote. While we’d all like such batteries to last forever, the reality is that they’ll eventually wear out and could cause issues such as involuntary door openings.

In many cases, a trip to a local home improvement store may be able to handle this in a simple fashion. However, there can be instances where such places lack a specific option, which means contacting a company that regularly handles garage door issues.

Buttons Sticking

The age of the garage door opener could also be the indirect cause of an issue. This problem develops when the button on the remote or on the garage wall begins sticking or is otherwise difficult to use. That means that all of the usage of the remote over the years has finally taken enough of a toll that getting a new remote or having some repair done is the best course of action.

Circuit Board Concerns

A properly working opener will have its circuit board running smoothly, so when a problem develops in this area, installing a new board is probably the only way to get things back in working order. Handling the installation process of a new board is something that many people are either not equipped to deal with or simply don’t have the time to address, which means letting the professionals handle the job.

Power Surge

The periodic instance of a power surge is something that many people address when it comes to high-priced items like a computer or wide-screen television. That’s because the danger of the surge might end up destroying an expensive appliance.

While that could potentially occur with an opener, it’s more likely that the specific code that allows your device to work its magic has been scrambled because of the surge. Getting that back up and running can be tricky, given that newer openers have rolling codes that may be hard for the average homeowner to grasp. That’s why it makes so much sense to have this repaired by experienced personnel.

Wiring Issues

In some cases, a short in the wire that connects the button in the garage with the motor might be the cause. Another wire-related issue could be due to issues related to the safety sensors or even just the prospect of an exposed wire that inadvertently came loose.

All of the above circumstances dictate that professional garage door repair should be the next step. That’s because all of the possible considerations involved can make it a complicated process. In addition, safety issues could surface since this may be related to an electrical short.


Aricle source here: Why Is My Garage Door Opening On Its Own?

Saturday, April 29, 2017

4 Tips for Maintaining Garage Door Openers

What is the greatest invention? The airplane? The automobile? The computer? Perhaps, but when you come home to a torrential downpour, the electric garage door opener tops the list — when it’s working properly. Here are 4 tips for maintaining garage door openers and keeping it in tip-top shape to avoid costly repairs that may result in replacing the garage door opener. 


First, move your car(s) out of the garage, then walk back in and close the door. Pull the emergency release rope to disengage your opener. Inspect each door hinge to be sure all screws are tight. Every hinge along the sides of the door should have a roller attached to it, and each roller should be engaged in the track. The track should be aligned with the door and securely fastened to the garage framing. Inspect each track bracket for alignment and bolt tightness.

Using a penetrating product such as B’laster Garage Door Lube, lubricate each hinge and roller. The axle has a little play in and out to help the door run smoothly in the track. Don’t lubricate the track — lubricant won’t improve the door’s operation of the door, but will attract unwanted dirt. Manually raise and lower the door a few times to work in the lubricant. The door should be relatively quiet. If you still hear squeaking, lubricate a bit more and clean off any excess.

Test the Springs

Garage doors are very heavy. To help them open and close, they have springs to counteract their weight. A properly adjusted spring will allow the door to be stationary when opened to about 3 feet with the door opener disengaged. If your door opens or closes on its own, call a garage assembly professional. The springs are under tremendous tension, so don’t try to adjust them. If you find the springs are properly adjusted, re-engage the opener and open the door.

Inspect the gasket attached to the bottom of the door. It helps keep water, dirt and debris out of the garage. If it’s missing, torn or damaged, replace it.

Test the Reversing System

Inspect the infrared safety reversing sensors. They’re the electronic eye devices installed on both tracks near the ground that sense an object (such as a child) in the door’s path. Test them by placing an object taller than 6 inches in the door’s path, and then close the door with the remote. The door should start to close, then immediately reverse itself. Test the contact reverse system by placing a 2×4 on the floor in the center of the door, and then close the door using the remote. The door should close until it contacts the 2×4, then immediately reverse itself. If either of these automatic reversing systems fails to function properly, refer to your manual for troubleshooting or call a garage assembly professional.

Drive System

To adjust and lubricate your opener’s drive system, whether it’s a chain, belt or screw drive, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Some need lubrication; some do not. Some need adjustment; some don’t.

Don’t forget the easy stuff: Change the light bulb while the weather is nice and put fresh batteries in your remotes and keypad before they stop working.


Aricle source here: 4 Tips for Maintaining Garage Door Openers

Friday, April 21, 2017

This Is One Seriously Cool Garage-Door Opener. Seriously.

Garage Door OpenerNO ONE’S ASKED for a Nest-like overhaul of a garage-door opener, but Ryobi did it anyway. The Ryobi Ultra-Quiet Garage Door Opener opens a door to the future and to new frontiers of human existence.

But first, it will open your garage. The 45-pound belt-drive unit is designed for 7-foot aluminum garage doors. It’s billed as “ultra-quiet” and sports a big ol’ bank of LEDs. You get two car remotes, an outdoor keypad, and an indoor keypad—everything you’d expect from a garage door opener, especially a lime-green one.

But this thing came to party. The Ryobi Ultra-Quiet Garage Door Opener is the basis of a—wait for it—garage entertainment system. A built-in Wi-Fi antenna allows it to communicate with an iOS and Android app, because this is 2016 and a garage door opener needs a mobile app. Firing up your phone allows you to see if the door’s open or closed, open or close it, and mess around with its modular components.

Those modular components are the coolest thing about it. You can hook up a Bluetooth speaker ($54), adjustable fan ($54), or a dual-laser parking-assist module ($44) that replicates the function of a tennis ball dangling from a string but with lasers. A 30-foot retractable cord with three outlets ($64) provides plenty of juice, and a carbon-monoxide sensor module is coming soon

A handy charging bay for Ryobi’s 18V One+ battery, which is used in all of Ryobi’s cordless tools. If the power goes out, that same battery will also keep your garage door opening and closing for the duration of the blackout.

The main unit costs a reasonable $248 at Home Depot, but going full-on Katamari Damacy with the modules will cost you. Go nuts with all the add-ons and you’ll pay $504. Still, that’s a fair price to pay for the coolest garage on the cul-de-sac.


Aricle source here: This Is One Seriously Cool Garage-Door Opener. Seriously.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Why spring is the best time to replace your garage door

Days are getting longer. The warmth of the sun brightens our spirits and it seems nature is waking from its long winter’s nap. For many of us, this season means renewal, when we want to do our spring cleaning. What’s more, we get our cars in order, change the tires, have the wheels aligned…

As well, it’s the time to clean up the garage and see how we can best arrange it for our DIY or family activities of the summer and fall. It’s also when we should examine our garage door system and consider if this might just be the time to replace it, especially if it was acting up during the winter.

Here are three points to consider that will help you in analyzing whether you should change your garage door.

At spring begins, you can negotiate a good purchase price

Most companies related to the construction industry try to start their year as early as possible, once the snow has melted. This is true for garage door businesses that often display their products at home shows where you can see for yourself which garage door suits your needs and tastes.

These companies often have attractive promotions if you make your purchase and installation early in the season. What’s more, if you haven’t shopped for a garage door in a long time, the ranges of styles, colors and insulation levels are sure to impress you! Negotiate the price and find the best bargain to satisfy you.

The spring system of your door has taken a beating after a severe winter!

If changing your door isn’t in your plans, then think about giving it a proper tune-up. The vast majority of service calls performed by garage door specialists are related to the spring system that serves as a counterbalance for the door.

After a harsh winter, and keeping in mind that the garage stays fairly humid during this time, it’s not unusual for a spring to break into two pieces. Replacing the spring system in the middle of winter is far from the most attractive thing for either you or a garage door technician to do. Springtime is the right time to do it, especially if the spring system hasn’t been replaced in a long time.

Remember that the useful life of a spring is around 5 or 6 years. It may not break, but after time, it loses strength and resilience. Don’t ignore the spring by thinking that it is the door opener that does the work of opening and closing your door. If the door is correctly balanced by a well-performing spring system, it appears to weigh between 8 and 10 lb. (3.5 and 4.5 kg). However, its true weight is more like 175lb (80 kg), meaning an older spring system with a weaker spring will be working harder and harder as time passes, getting closer and closer to its breaking point.

So, before taking your gardening tools, bicycles, and seasonal items out of your garage and while you can now leave your car outside the garage without the risk of being covered in snow, why not contact a garage door specialist in your area? This professional can give you a thorough report on the state of your door and spring system.

Safety: Of top importance!

When undertaking home renovation projects, we consider changing our windows and entry doors to be more energy efficient, but also to make them safer. We often forget about the garage door, which has become the most popular access to the house, either after putting our car in the garage or for our children returning home from school.

Safety also means protection against theft and home break-ins. We usually think about installing an alarm system for our residence, but too often forget about how secure our garage door is. Thefts of garage door remotes left hanging on visors in unlocked cars is the easiest way to be burglarized. Today’s technology has evolved to the point that it is possible to open and close your garage door with your smartphone. No more remotes!

Finally, recall that a garage door that doesn’t operate correctly risks injuring you or your family. Unfortunately, each year there are incidents of serious injury or even child death caused by garage doors where maintenance has been neglected. After a long, hard winter, springtime is the perfect time to either change your garage door system or give yours a thorough tune-up.

You’ve convinced me, so what should I do now?

If you’ve made the decision to change your garage door, the next step is to contact a local garage door specialist. They can easily send you a detailed quotation by email showing several models that suit your needs. If you prefer, they will happily visit you at home to present their complete range of garage doors or resolve any problem you are having with your current garage door.


Aricle source here: Why spring is the best time to replace your garage door

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Enjoy the Benefits of Electric Garage Doors

Not so long ago, electric garage doors were seen as an expensive luxury, the preserve of the rich and famous. Nowadays, thanks to technological innovations and improvements in manufacturing processes, this is no longer the case. Today, the cost of a brand new automatic door is within the reach of pretty much every homeowner in the UK and the many benefits they have to offer make them an extremely attractive proposition.

The Advantages of Electric Garage Doors

If you are not sure whether to have one fitted in your home, take a look at the list below: in it, we have detailed a few of the more obvious advantages that automatic garage doors have to offer.

Keeping You Warm and Dry in All Weathers – If it is pouring with rain or snowing heavily when you arrive home, having to get out of your car to open the garage door can be a real inconvenience. For properties with an integral garage, an automatic door makes great sense: you can open it without exiting your vehicle, drive straight into your garage and proceed into your home, without exposing yourself to the elements.

SafetyModern electric garage doors can detect the presence of obstacles in their paths and will stop as soon as they do. There is no danger of anybody or anything becoming trapped in your garage door if you have a modern electric model fitted. Furthermore, the fact you can drive straight into your garage without getting out of your car means you are safe from potential attackers who may be lurking in the undergrowth nearby.

Security – The latest remote-controlled door openers generate a new code every time you use them, from one of billions of possible combinations!  This means they provide an excellent defence against intruders. While older models could be ‘hacked’ in a matter of minutes, there is no danger of this when you fit a modern system.

Time Saving – How many times are you in a hurry to leave your home because you are running late, or when you’re returning and you need to get into your home as quickly as possible? A touch of a button will ease that anxiety and your garage door will be either opened for you ready to drive out without wasting time, or for you to park your vehicle when returning home.

Low Cost Upgrade – If your existing garage door is in good condition, there is a very good chance that you can fit an automated opening system without replacing the door itself, making it an even more attractive proposition from a cost perspective.

Timed Closing – If you choose a new door from a manufacturer such as Somfy, you will be able to program your garage door to close after a set amount of time. Never again will you have to worry about whether you have left it open or not because it will be automatically closed after a set delay. The obstacle detection technology mentioned earlier will ensure that it will not attempt to close unless it is safe to do so.

If you would like to find out exactly how much it will cost to fit your garage with a brand new automated electric door or to upgrade your existing door, please feel free to call or email us at any time. We will be delighted to provide you with a detailed quotation and to answer any questions you may have.

See more at:

Aricle source here: Enjoy the Benefits of Electric Garage Doors

Thursday, March 30, 2017

How to Efficiently Find the Right Garage Door Repair and Installation Company

Faulty garage doors can be a hassle for both the owner and anyone that uses it. Homeowners often neglect their garage doors as they feel that as long as they open and close properly without any issues, that they do not need to worry about any maintenance. This mentality often leads to the homeowner having to fork over a substantial amount of money to fully replace the garage door once it breaks. In order to get the most out of your investment, it would be wise to ensure that it’s always in working order – which means keeping up with routine maintenance.

Garage Door Maintenance

In the sweltering heat of Georgia, your garage doors may come across warped or swelling wood that may hinder its’ mobility when rolling up and down the track. Now, before your garage door completely breaks apart, it’s important that you find a reputable garage door company in Atlanta GA. Because there are so many companies out there just looking for business, it’s important that you find a company that not only provides outstanding repair services, but also has great customer service. A lack of communication between you and the repair specialist will only result in you wasting both your time and money.

Garage Door Installation

If you are looking for a company that does garage door installation in Atlanta, be sure that you browse the web for reviews on your preferred service provider. This is important for several reasons – the main being that you want to gain insight on how their specialists work in the field. Another reason is that you’ll find out whether or not they price fairly. Certain companies feel like they can get away with quoting an enormous amount of money after their initial visit. Don’t part your money with companies like these, as you’ll most likely receive a faulty job that may require you to redo the entire installation. Remember, installing a garage door for your home isn’t the cheapest process. You’ll want to maximize your investment while receiving a quality job to ensure that you won’t have to spend even more on its repairs.

Be sure that you perform the proper research on what type of garage door you want. For instance, steel garage doors provide a heftier and sturdier frame than a wooden garage door. But, they may not have the ideal look and aesthetic appeal that you are looking for. Pick and choose wisely.


For more information about Garage Door Repair Near East Point, GA Call Complete Garage Door Repair.

Aricle source here: How to Efficiently Find the Right Garage Door Repair and Installation Company

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How To Repair a Door

Today I show you how to easily repair a broken door. This technique works incredibly well on all types of doors as well as all types of damage. No matter how big the damage is this technique will work. Have a Cracked, Chipped, Scratched, Damaged door? Want to easily fix it yourself? Don’t want to spend a fortune on paying someone to fix it? This video is for you! The best part is you don’t have to be a trained carpenter to fix a door! Simply follow the easy step by step instructions & your door will look brand new in no time. Now there’s no need to worry about the next rent inspection!


Learn more about doors and how to Repair Garage Doors near  East Point, GA contact Complete Garage Door Repair.

Aricle source here: How To Repair a Door

Thursday, March 16, 2017


A faulty garage door and a sick pet are two things that are guaranteed to stir up people’s emotions.
Interestingly, when the family pet falls sick, most owners ensure that they take him or her to the vet at once.
However, when their garage doors develop problems, most owners believe that it is something that they can handle on their own.
However, garage door repair can be a dangerous affair and it is always advisable to hire a professional to fix the problems.
Here are 5 common garage door problems that require professional garage door service.


For a garage door to work properly consistently, it is important for the bearings, hinges, and tracks to be properly lubricated.
In the absence of proper lubrication, the doors can become jammed and fail to function in the proper manner.
Lubrication is something that most people can handle without professional assistance but they still need to exercise caution while doing it.
Obstructions within the tracks can also cause the door to make noises.
If this ever happens, you must never attempt to solve the problem on your own but rather you call Smart Garage door service In Denver Colorado to check whether the bolts are tightened properly as well as make adjustments.


The garage door tracks can become bent, warped, or otherwise misaligned over time.
Once this happens, closing and opening the door can become nearly or actually impossible.
Fixing this problem can on occasion be a task for the average person but creates the risk of injury to an unacceptable level and getting a professional Garage door repair Denver Colorado to do the work becomes the best option.


Garage doors require finely tuned springs to operate smoothly. However, eventually they will either wear out over time and sometimes even break.
Springs should be wound tightly to work properly. A great number of people that have attempted to replace the springs by themselves have sustained injuries and sometimes even death.
If the springs start malfunctioning, it is just better to call in Smart garage door springs repair In Denver Colorado to solve the problem.


The danger associated with garage door springs is lessened if the safety cables have been installed and maintained properly.
Cables serve as a control mechanism for springs but can also get broken or frayed. In some cases, depending on the age of the garage cables may even be absent.
If no cables and present or the cables present are faulty, you must always call in professionals In Denver Colorado to rectify the situation.


Garage door problems relating to sensors will develop regardless of whether garage door repair is needed.
If a garage door won’t open smoothly, it may have a problem with the sensor, which is something that garage door repair professionals In Denver Colorado have experience handling.


Garage doors can develop a variety of problems as clearly shown in this article.
However, it is important to choose professional garage door service In Denver Colorado to handle most repairs to the garage to guarantee the best results and avoid risk of injury.


For more information about Common Garage Door Problems contact: Complete Garage Door Repair



Tuesday, March 7, 2017


If your garage door opener goes on the fritz, there are a number of causes for your difficulties. Some are simple, and some are complicated. Let’s look at some possibilities and solutions.

Problems That Are Simple

Does the garage door opener run, yet the garage door still won’t open? If a power failure happens, your garage door opener comes with a disconnect switch, which allows you to close or open the garage door manually. In general, this switch is attached to a knob or rope, and it can come unhooked accidently. Open or close the garage door all the way, and then securely reattach the hook. Now, with the transmitter, try opening or shutting the door again, and it ought to work.

Is your garage door stuck open, and won’t shut? It’s likely that the photo eye sensors are out of alignment. Your garage door has a photo eye on both sides, and between them is an invisible beam, which, when it’s broken, keeps the garage door from closing. See whether they’re misaligned or grimy. On most styles and brands of sensors, if the light’s blinking, something is really wrong. Or, if you have a sensor with green and red lights, the red one is often the indicator that it’s malfunction.

Another possibility is the wiring. Examine the connections to see whether the wires are loose or corroded. There may be a short, which can sometimes be caused by a staple that was initially used in the process of installation; vibrations over the years can eventually result in a disconnection. Or, a disconnection will result from the wires becoming stretched.

Does the garage door not open using the remote? There are few causes for this, easy to repair yourself.

  1. You should replace or charge the batteries.
  2. You could be too far out of range.
  3. The garage door motor’s antenna is damaged somehow or blocked from the signal.
  4. The remote has to be reprogrammed.

Does the garage door opener run for several seconds, then turn off? If the garage door still won’t move when your garage door is closed, you’ll probably see that the door motor is trying and failing to lift the door up. First, inspect the springs. If they’re not broken, see whether the track is blocked by a minute obstacle or some grime. If neither of these is the issue, then see whether your garage door is the type that has a built-in lock, because it may be engaging inadvertently. This often occurs with older garage doors.

Does the garage door go down all the way, yet open again? The open-and-shut limit settings of the garage door opener are out of order. The settings tell the opener how far the garage door should go before it’s totally closed. If it’s set too high, the door will land on the floor before the opener thinks it should, because it’s presuming that the door is touching an object in its path; then it will reverse automatically to keep from smashing it. Read your manual for instructions on how to reset the open-and-shut limits.

Check your power source. Maybe the transmitter batteries just need replacement. Or, the electrical outlet could be defective.

Does your garage door open and close at random? If your garage door is opening or shutting by itself, the transmitter might be stuck underneath an object pushing down on the control mechanism unintentionally. For instance, the transmitter may be stuck beneath an item you left in your car or somewhere else close by. You can also test the transmitter’s frequency; your neighbor may have the exact same frequency as yours.

Problems That Are More Complicated

Does the garage door shut part of the way, then open again? Your garage door has a reversing mechanism to stop it from crushing an object in its path. The reversing instruction is triggered by any item on the ground in the garage door’s path, such as a bike, garbage can, box, or toy. Another likelihood is that there’s a buildup of debris on the garage door’s tracks ~ a tiny object or dirt ~ which will keep the rollers from moving. You’ll have to hire a garage door technician.

Does your garage door slam down with a loud bang? In all likelihood, your spring is broken, which is needed to counter the door’s weight. Or, the cables are broken. Either way, this is hazardous. It’s time to call an expert.

The garage door track might be out of alignment. If the track isn’t aligned, it’s not going to move. Look for gaps between the rail and rollers, or bends in the rails. The considerable weight of your garage door will ultimately compound these problems. This is serious. Before your garage door becomes dangerous, contact a professional.

If your garage door still won’t budge, a spring, or maybe both springs, are broken, and will need replacement or repair. You need to track down a garage door repair specialist.

DON’T EVER adjust the garage door by yourself! If you don’t get your garage door serviced professionally, the springs can cause injury, and even death. Don’t take any risks! The garage door drums, cables, and bottom brackets also may need adjusting. Consult with a trustworthy local garage door repair technician.

Take Preventative Measures

Garage door maintenance is worth the minimal time and effort you have to put into it. Keep your garage door in first-rate condition, and it will last a very long time.

Schedule an annual inspection with a reliable local garage door repair company. Wires, springs, pulleys, and cables all call for professional attention.

Every year, before winter arrives, lubricate the springs, rollers, and hinges. Without lubrication, the springs will rust and the coils will bind, costing you a lot in the long run. Prevent this from happening by using a top brand, so it won’t dry out. A light coating is all that’s required.

Once a month, take a close look at the components of your garage door system. Tighten loose bolts. Replace worn parts. If you notice any strange noises when the garage door opens and shuts, a garage door technician is needed.

If you live in East Point, Georgia, find a reputable garage door repair company you can count on, such as Complete Garage Door Repair.


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Complete Garage Door Repair: Garage door won’t work? Here’s what to do before calling an expert

The garage tends to be the primary entrance for most properties. It’s no wonder, then, that homeowners will feel frustrated if theirs is no longer operating smoothly.

Obviously, if your garage door is not working, a certified professional is going to be your best and safest option.  But there are some precautionary checks that you should do before calling an expert – that way, you’ll know whether you’re going to need some kind of repair, or if your issues are nothing beyond a simple glitch.

With that in mind, here’s what you need to investigate before contacting the pros.

Check all the batteries

Remote control batteries are going to run their course at some point or another – this is an inevitable reality we all have to face. Now, you’ll likely have more than one transmitter for your garage. Try opening the door with both of them: if one works, and the other doesn’t, all you need is a simple battery replacement. We recommend you change the batteries in both controls as you’ll likely have got them at the same time (so if one has run out, the other is close to following suit).

If neither transmitter works, try opening and closing the door using the wall switch. A working switch will indicate that the problem is in your remote transmitters themselves. If you can’t open the door using the wall button, however, you might need an opener battery replacement instead.

Take a close look at those photo eye sensors

Your garage door will have two photo eye sensors, installed on opposite sides of the door frame. These are very small glass components that play an important part in your garage door’s opening and closing operations. Basically, the photo eyes ensure your door reverses if there’s anything blocking its path – it’s an important mechanism that all garage doors built after 1993 are required by law to have fitted in them.

With photo eye sensors, the first thing to check is if there’s any dirt or debris causing interference. Built up gunk will block these sensors, making it difficult to operate the door smoothly. Cleaning the photo eyes is as simple as getting a streak-free cleaner from your local garage door repair business, and gently dabbing it onto the surface. Be careful not to scratch the glass, and make sure to wash off the excess using some warm water.

Misalignment is another issue that could happen. Your photo eye sensors should be level on both sides. Measure their distance and angle from the ground up and, if you have a spirit level handy, realign these as needed.

Make sure your manual lock hasn’t been activated

Sometimes, your opening troubles could be as simple as a lock being wrongly activated. For example, you might have been moving around some boxes or a trashcan by the door, and knocked the manual lock by accident. If you can hear a motor running as you try to open the door, this will be the likely culprit – to unlatch it, simply turn the handle, usually found in the middle of a door, until you hear a clicking sound. But if that doesn’t solve your issues, you might have a motor problem on your hands – in which case, you’ll definitely need to contact an expert.

Look out for door path blockage

The last thing to look out for is whether there is anything visibly blocking your door’s path. A garage door comprises two reversing mechanisms, which will keep your door from opening if there is something in the middle of it. Clear off all the area of any boxes, trash cans, toys, tools, or anything else that could be on the floor. Also make sure there isn’t any dirt or grime on your tracks, photo eyes and rollers, as these could cause interference too.


Getting the help you need from a garage door repairs business

So you’ve made your basic checks and decided your issues need further investigation. But how can you ensure you are hiring the right repairs professional for the job?

First, ask around for recommendations. Word of mouth is by far the best way to identify a reputable garage door repairs business in your vicinity. Always hire local – not only is this a good way of preventing any scams, but it will also work out to be cheaper. If you can’t get any recommendations, Google a few businesses, note down their names and check their credentials closely. Read up on reviews, check that they’re certified by the manufacturers they work with, and make sure to get a list of client references from the company. You should always take the time to consult with a repairs technician before taking their services on board – either talk to them over the phone, or make an appointment to discuss things in person. Most businesses won’t charge for consultations and price quotes, and you should always get a full cost breakdown of services from the person you are talking to. Also ask them to provide you with their license and insurance details, and check if any complaints have been filed against the company through the Better Business Bureau. As long as you do the proper checks, hiring a credible technician should go on without a hitch.

Those of you who happen to be in East Point, GA, can always count on our certified professionals to provide you with the right fixes.  Complete Garage Door Repair is your local provider of competitively priced installations, repairs and replacements. If there’s anything worrying you about your garage door, get in touch with us to discuss – we can always come to inspect the damage at a time that conveniently suits you.

But no matter where you’re based, we hope this blog post helps you take the right precautions whenever you’re dealing with a malfunctioning garage door. As you can see, your issues could require quite simple troubleshooting fixes, while others may require some intricate repairs. Check everything closely and, if in doubt, don’t hesitate to contact a trustworthy repairs professional in your location.

Aricle source here: Complete Garage Door Repair: Garage door won’t work? Here’s what to do before calling an expert